Terrains of Struggle:

Reparationists vs. Trumpists

Congressional bill HR40 advocates for researching reparations for black Americans, as descendends of slaves, and victims of decades of discrimination - from segregation and descrimination to crimnal injustice. This is just the beginning of a much needed economic and poltical outpouring to make black lives matter.

However, we know there are other movements growing in the nation. The 2020 presidential election and the ensuing attemted insurrection by Trumpists showed that white supremacy is alive and well in America, and its advocates will take violent means to a hateful end.

This map explores where House Representatives are standing up for reparations compared to congressional districts where Trumpists where heard loud and clear in the 2020 election. This is set on a backdrop exploring where black folks live in our segregated nation.

What do these terrains of struggle mean for the future of the reparations movement? What do these geographies reveal about "progressive" America?